Our Future Plans
- Our everyday expenses that we need help with are food, medical care, staff wages, water/electricity, firewood, charcoal and house maintenance.
- Our top priority is to raise funds to purchase the land on which COMECH is built. The current property owner has decided to sell the lot, and so in order for COMECH to continue here, we must purchase the property. Losing this property would be a travesty, not only because of the many updates we have made over the years to customize the facility to meet the needs of the children, but also because these kids depend on stability in their already difficult lives.
- Our next big project is to complete the building of the dining room, which will include a roof, windows, tiled floor and seating for the children. *This has been completed in 2022!
- The windows of the dining room need glass installed, as the rain comes into the building during inclement weather.
- The inside of our kitchen needs to be refurbished, as it’s currently incomplete. This specifically entails a new cooker as well as a new chimney which would provide much needed ventilation from the smoke that accumulates inside the building. *This has been competed in 2023!
- We would like to acquire our own Matatu (minibus) to transport the children to and from school, around Mombasa, and on outings, as well as to collect volunteers from the airport. We currently must pay taxis for all our transportation needs, which can be quite expensive.

Providing our children with quality education has always been our main goal and that is what we still strive for here at COMECH. Over the years we have tried incorporating extra curriculum activities for our children such as introducing music lessons.
We have been really blessed to have George Yang and his family be our biggest supporter in the music sector. From scratch, he has raised funds in purchasing music instruments and refurbishing the music room. Through the internet we met George and he saw the need to instill music in our young children since 2020.
Slowly but confidently our children are learning how to use the instruments during their school breaks and when they get the chance. We are hoping for a professional tutor who can assist their music dreams.
George continues to support us to use music to connect to the world. Our kids truly enjoy working with him to be amused by music.